



近日,一项名为“Probing multi-physical process and deformation mechanism of a large-scale landslide using integrated dual-source monitoring”的研究成果在《Geoscience Frontiers》杂志上发表。南京大学朱鸿鹄教授团队开发了一种新型监测系统,将光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)和微机电系统(MEMS)技术相结合,以同时监测土壤湿度、温度、滑动阻力、应变、表面倾角和深部倾角等多个参数。该系统能够实现实时数据采集和交叉验证分析,成本效益高,是监测地质灾害关键参数的理想选择。南京大学研究人员成功将该系统应用于我国长江三峡库区新铺滑坡的原位监测。数据显示,该滑坡存在两个浅层滑动面和一个深层滑动面。其中,下部浅层滑动面主要由极端降水引起,而上部浅层滑动面则主要由水库水位的剧烈变化和集中降雨次生触发。此外,研究还揭示了滑坡内部存在渗流驱动和浮力驱动等多种物理过程。研究结果为类似地质环境下的滑坡工程措施评估和改进提供了重要参考。



来源:Geoscience Frontiers, Volume 15, Issue 2, March 2024, 101773

作者:Zhu, Honghu, Ye, Xiao, Pei, Huafu, Wei, Zhang, Cheng, Gang, Zi-Li Li



Probing multi-physical process and deformation mechanism of a large-scale landslide using integrated dual-source monitoring

Abstract: The implementation of isolated heterologous monitoring systems for spatially distant borehole deployments often comes with substantial equipment costs, which can limit the effectiveness of geohazard mitigation and georisk management efforts. To address this, we have developed a novel monitoring system that integrates fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and microelectromechanical system (MEMS) techniques to capture soil moisture, temperature, sliding resistance, strain, surface tilt, and deep-seated inclination. This system enables real-time, simultaneous data acquisition and cross-validation analyses, offering a cost-effective solution for monitoring critical parameters in geohazard-prone areas. We successfully applied this integrated monitoring system to the Xinpu landslide, an active super-large landslide located in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA) of China. The resulting strain profile confirmed the presence of two shallow secondary sliding surfaces at depths of approximately 7 m and 12 m, respectively, in addition to the deep-seated sliding surface at a depth of 28 m. The lower secondary sliding surface was activated by extreme precipitation, while the upper one was primarily driven by significant changes in reservoir water levels and secondarily triggered by concentrated rainfalls. Anti-slide piles have remarkably reinforced the upper moving masses but failed to control the lower ones. The gap between the pile heads and the soil amplified the rainwater erosion effect, creating a preferential channel for rainwater infiltration. Multi-physical measurements revealed a mixture of seepage-driven and buoyancy-driven behaviors within the landslide. This study offers an integrated dual-source multi-physical monitoring paradigm that enables collaborative management of multiple crucial boreholes on a large-scale landslide, and contributes to the evaluation and improvement of engineering measures in similar geological settings.


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